What We Believe

The Bible

God has given us his very words in the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. These words are not just a list of rules or moral stories that enable us to be successful, but they are Life itself. These words, from beginning to end, form an everlasting story of grace and mercy. By the power of the Holy Spirit, it transforms and changes people. The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.

The Trinity

God has existed for all eternity as One Being and Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is relational and loving in his very nature, and he chose to share that relationship and love with his creation.


We were created by God – in his image – to glorify him and enjoy him forever. Every person on the face of the earth is of great value, possesses great dignity, and is worthy of great respect simply because we are all created in the image of God. Because of Sin, our open rebellion against God, the image we bear is muddied and distorted, and we have been alienated from God.


Sin is rebellion against God, it is an utter rejection of Him. We believe that everyone is a sinner and totally unable and incapable of saving themselves from God’s displeasure and wrath, except by His mercy. Our sin destroys our relationship with God and is counterproductive to our own joy.


There is nothing we can do to restore our relationship with God. No amount of work, effort, or good intentions can mend the mess we’ve made. Salvation can only come through Jesus. Consequently, it’s a free gift. Faith is the act of receiving this free gift, trusting that God reaches out in sovereign grace and draws us back into a relationship through his Son. Why? Simply because he loves us. Salvation is by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone.

The Holy Spirit

God does not leave believers to make it through life on their own. Instead, he sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts. The Holy Spirit leads us into truth and gives us the strength to follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit, day in and day out whispers the sweetness of the Gospel to us, reminding us of the truths and promises of Scripture so that we might fully rest in the Grace that is given to us.

The Return of Jesus

Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to finish what he started. He will wipe the tears from our eyes in the New Heavens and the New Earth, where there will be no more sin, sorrow, grief, and sadness. He will complete his promise to make all things new when he comes again, judging all humankind and receiving his people unto himself.

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