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We gather for worship every Sunday at 10 am.

What To Expect...

You can expect to find a warm and welcoming community of people from all walks of life. We are a church that doesn’t take ourselves too seriously because we recognize we are broken and sinful people who are loved by God apart from our own accomplishments, goodness, and piety.

What should I Wear?

You should wear whatever you feel comfortable in.  You’ll find men in jeans with a t-shirt or polo, shorts and Hawaiian shirts, overalls, and khakis with an oxford shirt. Women wear dresses, pants or skirts with a blouse, and jeans and a top.  So come as you are or in whatever you feel comfortable in.

What Is Your Worship Service Like?

In our worship service our “liturgy” or “order of service” tells a story, the story of the Gospel. Each thing that we do has purpose. They serve to teach and remind us of who God is and what He has done, and give us an opportunity to respond.

We believe that when we worship, we are in dialogue with God. We speak to Him and He speaks to us through His Word and Sacraments.

We speak in:
– declaring who He is and what He has done.
Confession – admitting our sins & failures and our need of mercy & grace.
Thanksgiving – for Jesus, His sacrifice and His blessings.
Prayer – for our earthly needs and the needs of others

We listen in:
Grace  – that the love of Jesus is freely offered and, when accepted, can never be removed.
Reading & Preaching – from the Bible as the Gospel is read and preached: the Law proclaimed, the promises of God declared, and Salvation revealed.
Benediction – his eternal promises to bless His people and that he will never forsake us.

Our music is blended.  We sing traditional hymns, new hymns, and modern praise and worship songs.  We recognize as a church that Worship isn’t about us and our preferences but about declaring the glory of God in song and hymn.  Some weeks we might sing only hymns and the following week you might not here a single traditional hymn.  Our God declares in His Word that he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and so our worship music reflects that as we sing the rich hymns and praise songs of yesterday, today, and write the hymns and praise songs of tomorrow.

For an example of our service click here.


What About My Kids?

We love children at River Run and heed the words of Jesus when he said in Matthew 19, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” So we welcome children in our services.

For families that want an age appropriate worship alternative for their children we offer TIPs (Training In the Pews) for ages 4 – 2nd grade. During TIPs children sing, play, hear the Gospel, do a craft, and experience the love of Christ through our volunteers. Children are dismissed for TIPs before the sermon and return during the closing song.

We also offer a clean and safe nursery for newborns through 3 years old.  Our littlest ones are loved, read to, and prayed over while in our care.

*All of our nursery and TIPs volunteers are trained and have been background checked.*

Where We Meet